Al Pacino Picture Gallery

1972's THE GODFATHER. At one point in the production of the film, Pacino refused to work unless he was given a  salary. Francis Ford Coppola threatened to boot him out of the production if he didn't go with what he was giving him. ( He did the movie for free with a hand shake deal that guaranteed him the sequels). Al just went with it.

This is 2008's RIGHTEOUS KILL, with costars Robert DeNiro, Curtis Jackson(50 cent), and Brian Dennehy. This crime raged film would leave you to suspect that something fishy was going on, but would almost never lead you to think Pacino was committing the crimes.  

Everyone knows the 1983's Scarface. Pacino playing the famous "Tony Montana", was given the Oscar Award. In his eyes, "the world can be yours".

1995's Heat. A very good movie with both of the greatest actors of all times. LT. Vincent Hanna  (Pacino) and opposite Niel  McCauley (DeNiro).The two actors have only been in one other movie together, "THE GODFATHER PART II", but they did not have any scenes together.

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